Bible Studies
We have a women’s Bible study each Wednesday from 2:00-3:30p held over Zoom. If interested, contact Joy Clarke or Katherine Brooke for details.

Young Adult Community Group
Our young adult community group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30p at church. We are discussing the passages in Romans after they’re taught on Sunday mornings. YACG is a time of fellowship and Bible study for all young (or not so young) adults, single, married, kids or no kids! Contact Billy Poe at with questions.

Fellowship Dinners
Several times throughout the year we have all-church dinners on Sundays following the worship service. These are wonderful times of community and fellowship around the table. From time to time we also gather in homes for times of fellowship and singing and teaching and sharing, and of course, dinner.

Local Ministries & International Missions
As a community of believers, we have a responsibility to others in our community and around the world. Instead of giving as a part of our church budget, we encourage our community to give directly to local ministries and international missions. For a small church without denominational ties, this permits much more individual involvement and accountability.
As a church we directly support several international and local missions.

Ministry in Cameroon
Westside Chapel has a vibrant ministry connection in Cameroon, Africa. Pat Gaughan, who retired after thirty years with the city of Jacksonville, spends several months a year in Cameroon in medical missions and evangelism. Westside Chapel has been involved since 2010 with Bread for Life (a multifaceted ministry in Cameroon) in providing conferences for pastors and church leaders on expository preaching.
Dr. Ken Mitchell has led multiple conferences in various cities and villages over the last decade. If you would like to see Ken’s presentation on his ministry in Cameroon, go to our Facebook page.
Ministry in the Middle East
Westside Chapel is quietly working to help a persecuted church in the Middle East, with food, medical supplies, and tools to share the gospel. Despite persecution and regional violence, our partner church has grown by 80% last year, mostly due to new Muslim converts. They need our resources; we need their faith.
Ministry in El Salvador
Westside Chapel also has a vibrant ministry connection in El Salvador. Working with S.O.S. Ministries (located in Clearwater, FL) since 2005, we have taken several teams to minister in the rural villages in the areas surrounding the town of El Rosario de la Paz. Teams have been involved in home visitation, evangelism, music, and providing Christmas parties in several villages. Ken Mitchell has also conducted twice yearly conferences for pastors and church leaders since 2005.
Other missions & outreach
We strongly encourage people to be involved in the work of Christ in the community and around the world. In addition to our involvement in Cameroon and El Salvador we have had several individuals that have used their gifts and experience in many short-term mission opportunities. Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and The Phillippines are just some of the places where people have ministered. We have many people who are involved in local missions, including Young Life, the City Rescue Mission, First Coast Women’s Services, and the Downtown Ecumenical Services Council.